Group of First Priority students.Local First Priority student speaking at a joint meeting.Group of local First Priority students.

Student-led Christian clubs

All First Priority groups/clubs are student-initiated and student-led. During each weekly meeting, student leaders open and close in prayer, read and talk through Bible verses, and encourage students to connect to a local church.

While First Priority students read and study the Bible, the meetings are not designed to replace church or youth group. Additionally, all students are welcome to participate in meetings and activities.

Our initiatives

As an equipping organization, we provide the following to students:
Training to launch and lead a First Priority campus group/club
Guidance and support for navigating the right for students to gather on campus
Meeting resources to ensure that groups are successful and sustainable
Ongoing training to equip students to be strong, confident, and effective leaders
*The official position of First Priority of Tampa Bay is that we follow the law as it applies to student-led groups on public school campuses. The First Amendment protects the rights of students to gather on campus and to share their faith. However, the First Amendment does not afford the same rights to adults. Therefore, our clubs are student-initiated and student-led. To see the Equal Access Act law, click here.
partnering with local churches

Jesus said to make disciples (Matthew 28:19), to share the gospel (Romans 10:14), and to love others (Matthew 22:39). With this in mind, we partner with youth pastors to train their students for campus ministry, and we are dedicated to supporting local churches.

We encourage you to share the video to the right with your church congregation to learn more about First Priority of Tampa Bay. You may also access the video here.

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First Priority of Tampa Bay