Club Meeting Resources

2024–2025 Club Lessons

Click on the links below to download the club lessons and leaders' guide. The PPT version may be used on an overhead projector or computer screen. These lessons are the property of First Priority of Tampa Bay and may not be copied or distributed for any purpose other than campus clubs.

Tips for sharing the Gospel

Dare 2 Share trains youth leaders and teens to share their faith with their friends, family, students, and peers.
The Bible Project is full of incredible short videos of visual explanations that show how the Bible is a unified story that leads to Jesus.
For tips on how to defend your faith, visit
For incredible videos that answer your questions about Christianity, check out the John 10:10 Project.

Steps for launching a First Priority club at your school

Step 1: Learn more
Step 2: Recruit a team
Step 3: Find a teacher host
Step 4: Get trained
Step 5: Plan the launch

Please complete this form if you want to start a First Priority club at your school:

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Student agreement
If students make the decision to form a First Priority club, they are agreeing to:
Naming their club First Priority
Contacting our staff for training before launching their club
Abiding by our statement of faith and guidelines for leadership
Adhering to student-led policies and not allowing adults to teach, lead, or preach
Using lesson modules and Inspire Week format
Remaining an autonomous club and not merging with another club or group
Welcoming all students to attend meetings no matter their background, race, or religion

Additional meeting info

A statement of faith may be found on the First Priority of Tampa Bay website
Students have a legal right to request help from outside organizations such as ours
Clubs meeting on a school-sanctioned club day may be required to provide a constitution
Club cards may be required for students to attend weekly meetings
The Equal Access Act affords ALL clubs/groups the same rights including access to meeting space, promoting meetings, and handing out passes
FPTB student speaking at a club meeting.