Resources for Teachers

First Priority is committed to following the guidelines of the federal Equal Access Act as it relates to students, teachers, and visitors. Understanding your role as a faculty sponsor or host of a First Priority meeting is vital.
Under the federal Equal Access Act, teachers serve in a “custodial” role.
Teachers may help students to secure a meeting location, communicate with administration, access school and First Priority resources, and maintain the club.
However, teachers can NOT participate in or lead the meetings or pray with students. If you have questions or would like to request a club/group packet, please contact us.
Role of a teacher sponsor
  • Host weekly meetings and provide classroom management, if needed
  • Help students secure additional meeting space and/or hall passes, if needed
  • Communicate with administration on behalf leaders, if needed and/or required
  • Act in a “custodial role” observing the meetings
  • Print module lessons or provide necessary technology

Legal guidelines

If First Priority is meeting as a formal club on “club day” or during a “club period” then a Faculty Sponsor is required.
If the First Priority meets during a time not designated as a “club day” (before or after school, or during lunch), then the group is meeting informally and may need a faculty member to secure a meeting location or to be present at meetings.
The school administration or district can NOT mandate the minimum size of the club (for example: require students to have 20 students before approval to meet). This is upheld under the Equal Access Act.